Minecraft:Sporks Habitat In The Sea

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The Sporks Habitat In The Sea (SHITS) is an underwater lab located about ½ of a kilometer from Green Willie Naval Station.


Discord House created "Sealab 20-21" as an experimental underwater habitat in YOLD 3181. The House of Eris added onto the habitat later, but found the habitat was increasingly cramped and unsuitable for expansion due to geographical constraints.

The House of Eris embezzled some funds from the Erisiana treasury, and used them to create a void in the ocean near Green Willie Naval Station (in international waters) of sufficient depth to house a science station. Discord House was sufficiently impressed with the result and forgave this transgression, but later exacted revenge by embezzling funds to purchase the drugs needed to construct the Triangle Junction.

After initial construction, the House of Eris and Discord House jointly agreed to make the station international in character, and allowed others to add their modules. Caerpen and Aranzia soon added their own.


  • Caerpen segment
  • Aranzia segment
  • Erisiana segment
  • SHITS ON (Sporks Habitat In The Sea Omnidirectional Nexus) - the central hub of the station


The station is accessible by boat (via a helipad), submersible (via the airlock), and by the Nexus. The nearest populated place is Probeland and Green Willie Naval Station.