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Banner of Erisiana

Erisiana, formally titled The Confederation of Erisiana, is a superpower nestled in the northern reaches of the world. With its humble beginnings as a joint castle in the mountains near Caerpen, it has become much more than that, despite being largely discontiguous.


There are two stories of the history of Erisiana, both in direct conflict with each other. The two versions are promulgated by the two houses of Erisiana. All the below statements are true in some sense, false in some sense, meaningless in some sense, true and false in some sense, true and meaningless in some sense, false and meaningless in some sense, and true and false and meaningless in some sense.

House of Eris version

Erisiana was founded in YOLD 10 by Malaclypse the Younger, who founded an enclave in the mountains to insulate himself from Greyface Caerpen. Being distrustful of central unitary authorities, but needing to control the roving bands of sex toy thieves that plagued the countryside, he split control of Erisiana to two people, whose names have been lost to history. These two later became the heads of Discord House and the House of Eris.

Control has been handed down for centuries, with lstarnes controlling Discord House and Elizafox controlling the House of Eris. Jointly, the two houses run the country, sometimes above and sometimes into the ground.

The fact that this is all made up does nothing to reduce the fact it is completely true.

Discord House version

Around the end of YOLD 3180, the Grand Inquisitor made an arrangement with the House of Eris, led by Elizafox, to establish a new country in the Discord Mountains to the west-southwest of Discord Manor. This new country was founded as Mountain Home. The two houses, joined by Cat House, agreed to share power and responsibility in a more-or-less representative system. This evolved into the country of Erisiana in short order, with the construction of Sealab 20-21 and the Malaclypse Interior Waterway being the first major projects outside Mountain Home.

Agreed upon elements of both stories

Historians from both houses have agreed on the following things:

  • FUCK mc>Lstarnes



Erisiana is governed by the House of Eris and Discord House. The seat of government is in Mountain Home, but may be moved to Malaclypse at some later date. There are four levels of authority: national; communal or territorial; district; and city, village, or town.


An extensive rail and road network exists in Erisiana. The highway system connects districts and provinces, while provincial roads serve as connectors. Districts are in charge of the roads within their jurisdiction (and may style them as they see fit), except for Erisiana routes. As a major naval power, Erisiana has numerous ports and rights of way, including along the Malaclypse Interior Waterway.

The Malaclypse metropolitan area is served by the ERIS, while the Ravenhurst metropolitan area is served by the ANERIS system.

Erisiana maintains the MORON system in New Seattle by contract.

Maintenance and construction

Roads are generally maintained by the district in which they are located. If the roads are in the unorganized district of a particular province, the province handles maintenance. In the case of territories, roads are maintained by the territory authority. For JSA's, roads are jointly maintained.

All waterways are property of, and maintained by, the government of Erisiana, and belong to no territory or district.

Foreign relations

Foreign relations are conducted at all levels of government. Every province (and in limited cases, communes) may conduct its own foreign relations (including trade negotiations, foreign contracts, immigration control, among other things) but may not declare war or annex territory without consent from the national government.

There is an embassy in Finéjo, and parliamentary offices exist in New Seattle for the New Seattle parliament.