Minecraft:River Bend

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River Bend was the first city on the server, established at the foot of a mountain near the origin. It is in possession of the Allied Empire.

Despite being the first city, it was always rather cramped, lacking sufficient space to grow. It was largely constrained by the mountain to the west (later by Burgstad, now a Caerpen holding), the river to the east, Aranzia to the north, and Rivandia to the south. For this reason, few new developments occur in the city.


River Bend is home of several interesting landmarks, including:

  • Entrance to the Botany Bay Bridge, which leads to Bay City
  • Rainbow beacon row, a rather late addition
  • The 0,0 beacon beam, originating near bedrock
  • A pagoda of unusual design
  • A sex toy shop
  • A gun range
  • Riverside Station, acting as a regional hub
  • Sporks National Bank
  • The old spawn house (now located in New Seattle)

Nearby Areas

Esperito lies directly to the north of the city, which is part of Aranzia.

To the south, Rivandia has a commanding presence, with numerous landmarks. Adjacent to Rivandia (and within comfortable walking distance of River Bend) is the Sporksland Zoo and Sporksland Sports Stadium. Across the Botany Bay Bridge, Bay City can be found. Winter Rock in Caerpen can be accessed via the road in Rivandia and is close by.

A short rail link leads to Burgstad, which is in the possession of Caerpen (but was built by aji). Via a short tunnel through the mountains, the village of New Switzerland can be found, with a stairway to Burgstad and a path down to the rest of Caerpen.