Minecraft:Discord bathhouse

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the Discord bathhouse (Latin: Thermae Discordiae) is a very large Roman-style bathhouse in Discord, Malaclypse. It is a full-service Roman bathhouse for men and women (non-binary persons may use either), including an atrium (courtyard), gymnasium (exercise room), apodyterium (undressing room), frigidarium (cold room), tepidarium (warm room), laconicum (hot room), laconicum (sauna room), latrina (toilets), and piscina (swimming pool). The piscina, atrium, and gymnasium are for family-use (although the piscina is in the women's section), but the remainder of the areas have gender-specific rooms.


In YOLD 3181, the grand inquisitor of the Discord House used large quantities of peyote and meth, and had a vision from Eris to build a large bath house. Following this commandment, he built the baths, but made the unfortunate ommission of a laconicum, sudatorium, piscina, latrina, and gender-specific areas. Crucially, it also lacked an actual hypocaust, requiring a fireplace (inadequate for the cold winters in Discord). Having considered the project largely finished, the GI went off to do other things.

Shortly after the construction, the Grand Inquisitor of the House of Eris saw these unfortunate omissions, and took it upon herself to expand the complex significantly. Gender-separated facilities, a hypocaust, laconicae, suddatoriae, latrinae, and a piscina were all constructed. The Grand Inquisitor of Discord House complained the resulting structure was too large and used precious space in Discord, and that gender-specific facilities were not required (however, the GI of Discord House did approve of the hypocaust), but was largely ignored for over two years by the Grand Inquisitor of the House of Eris.

Relocation underground

In the early days of YOLD 3183, the Grand Inquisitor of the House of Eris had a vision induced by peyote to move the baths underground with a small "rump" entrance and atrium above ground. She initially dismissed this vision as nonsense, but the Grand Inquisitor of Discord House forced her to follow through on this vision and relocate the facilities underground by threatening her with a broken bottle of Mexican Fanta. The facilities were relocated wholesale, and the former atrium belowground was converted into a gymnasium. The atrium aboveground was expanded, and stairs created going downwards.