Minecraft:Bay City

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Bay City

Bay City was the second city on the server, after River Bend. It is largely created from what was formerly a swamp area to the east of River Bend. Bay City is built on a peninsula, largely of artificially created land. Adjacent areas include Rivandia, which lies immediately due south of the area, and the Allied Empire, which lies across Botany Bay. Farther south is Erisiana across the Bay-Probe Bridge.


Bay City was created after the construction of the Botany Bay bridge, a bridge constructed to test suspension bridge building techniques. As the bridge terminated in a swampy area, the area had to be terraformed to become suitable for land development. Soon after, the Bay City forest was created, as well as the castle.

In 2015, castles were created in the mountains above Bay City. There are three castles at present: one for Caerpen, one for the House of Eris, and one for Rivandia. Also in 2015 was the construction of the Bay City airport, a small airport for light aircraft. In early 2016, from pieces of the former New Seattle Bridge, the Bay-Probe Bridge was created to Probeland.


Castles above Bay City
The Botany Bay Bridge

The Botany Bay Bridge is a major tourist draw of itself, being among one of the most beautiful bridges in Sporksland. At the ramp to the bridge, near the city entrance, there is a gallows, which has been used to execute villagers and players.

Foxconn is headquartered in the city, as well as a major castle belonging to Caerpen on the western portion of the peninsula. There are also castles in the nearby mountains.

There is a beautiful forest and canal belonging to Rivandia to the south of the city.

The Bay City Docks are an eclectic mix of old and new.


The old city is built on a grid, with the new city still in development to the east.