Minecraft:Discord House

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Discord House is the older of the two major ruling parties of the Province of Mountain Home and the Confederation of Erisiana

Discord House's banner


Discord House, as one of the oldest organizations in Sporksland, has had a tremendous impact on its history.


Discord House was founded in YOLD 3180 (AD 2014) by L. Starnes, who immediately proclaimed himself the Grand Inquisitor of Discord House.

The House's first territorial claim was an elevated area of plains west of Burgstad, along Manor River. The plantation's main house was relatively small, but the surrounding grounds featured farms, an underground boat dock, short rail lines, and Sporksland's first temple of Eris.

Mountain Home

Main article: Mountain Home

Around the end of YOLD 3180, the Grand Inquisitor made an arrangement with the House of Eris, led by Elizafox, to establish a new country in the Discord Mountains to the west-southwest of Discord Manor. This new country was founded as Mountain Home. The two houses, joined by Cat House, agreed to share power and responsibility in a more-or-less representative system.

Discord House claimed Mount Discord and hollowed it out to form Castle Discordia, which is currently the de jure headquarters of the House.

The three Houses of Mountain Home later agreed to combine the lower levels of their castles into Joint Castle Eris-Discordia, which is the capitol of Mountain Home (and also Erisiana).


Shortly after the modern Kingdom of Ancien was established, Unity Bridge was founded as a joint territory of Mountain Home and Ancien, Discord House was given significant control of the territory's affairs.

A few months later, Discord House and the House of Eris were contracted to build a rail system for the city of New Seattle. Not long after, the Houses created the Malaclypse Interior Waterway to connect the inland Goat Sea and its main port, New Seattle, with the much larger East Sea. As a reward for their work, the two Houses secured permanent control over transportation in New Seattle along with other powers.

Discord House built a naval base at the East Sea end of the canal along with another one about hal. To allow both efficient travel on land between the ends of the canal and easy monitoring of ship traffic, Discord House built a massive rail line from New Seattle to the naval base with a stop at Finéjo.

Rise of Erisiana

While surveying the route of the Malaclypse Interior Waterway, the Grand Inquisitor found a large plain surrounded by a raised, rocky plateau, mountains, a swamp, and boreal forests. Shortly after finding this site, the Grand Inquisitor smoked a lot of weed and PCP got high on meth and peyote received a vision from Eris. Having been scared shitless, he decided to pretend the whole thing never happened.

But, when building the rail line to Green Willie Naval Station, the Grand Inquisitor built a temporary rail station out of glass, inspired by another vision. When the station was finished, the Iniquisitor was compelled by an apparition of Eris in a glass of 200-proof grain alcohol mixed with LSD to make a "giant rainbow ball", a "triangle with a circle in it", and "some other bullshit". He then named the surrounding area Malaclypse after two of the great profits prophets of Discordianism.

Not long after Malaclypse was founded, Discord House convinced the House of Eris to join it in seizing the vast lands surrounding the canal before Caerpen and Aranzia could. The lands conquered by the Houses became the Province of Malaclypse. The two Houses combined their holdings in Malaclypse and Mountain Home to form the Confederation of Erisiana. Erisiana assumed Mountain Home's former stakes in Unity Bridge in New Seattle and restructured them as Joint Sovereignty Areas.

As the city of Malaclypse grew, the citizens became increasingly concerned that the Houses, especially the House of Eris, held too much power. So Discord House championed the creation of the modern Parliamentary Inqusition system in both the Commune and Province of Malaclypse as well as in Erisiana.

In YOLD 3181 (AD 2015), Discord House relocated its base of operations for the third time to the Manor of Discord in the Discord District of Malaclypse. Despite the transition, the records of the House and its main vault have yet to be moved out of Castle Discordia.

Discord House later led the surge of new settlement in what would become Ravenhurst Province.


If you want to become a member of Discord House, you must...

  1. ...be a citizen of Erisiana, Ancien, or a territory of one of those nations, or be eligible for citizenship in one of those nations, or have an acceptable fake ID claiming that you are such a citizen.
  2. ...must not be a member of any other house, especially the House of Eris, and absolutely not the Republican Party.
  3. ...be willing to become a Discordian or at least pretend to be one while in the presence of other members.
  4. ...be a person and not be a cabbage or something.
  5. ...exist.

If you meet these requirements, GO FUCK YOURSELF, then contact an Inquisitor to request membership.