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Disaster, also known as the Nuclear District, or the Forbidden District¸ is an area west of The Aftermath where, in YOLD 3147, a nuclear accident took place. Rumours that it was built in YOLD 3182 to simply look like a disaster are false.

The site is highly visible from Kallisti and most of western Malaclypse, and on a clear day, from as far away as Portsmouth, Zarathud, and eastern Upper Chaos.

Former town

Nothing is known of the former town, other than it existed after before Malaclypse. All records on the city are believed to have never existed due to sloppy Erisianan bookkeeping been destroyed, either purposefully or accidentally.


It was uncovered during the construction of the Malaclypse Interior Waterway, upon which 50 workers died after exposure to radiation. The fact this may or may not be made up does not make it any less true.

After its rediscovery, it was fenced in, to create an exclusion zone now known as the Nuclear district or Forbidden District. No one may enter the site without permission from the Erisianan authorities. The site is policed by a large watch tower on Stadium Hill.

Erisiana Route 10 passes near the outer perimeter fence.

Current site


The site contains the remains of a school, playground, stable, apartment building, inquisitor's office, roads, the nuclear reactor, cooling tower, and powerhouse.

The reactor left enormous amounts of still-molten core material at the base of the reactor. The powerhouse and reactor building are highly unstable and may collapse at any time. Other buildings in the area are not in good repair, and may be unsound.

It is believed the site poses substantial no risk to residents of The Aftermath or nearby Kallisti, including visitors to Malaclypse Stadium.

Connections to the current state of The Aftermath – especially Aftermath Heights – and Disaster are likely tenuous at best.


Visitation is highly discouraged except for workers. Permission must be granted if you do choose to visit. Visitors must not cross the ruins of the border fence into the reactor area unprotected, or fatal radiation poisoning may occur, particularly in the reactor building ruins.

Looking at disaster from Helix Bridge or from buildings in The Aftermath is discouraged.